Friday, April 24, 2009

Well hey there.


So I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeally bored. Bored enough to extend a word with unneccesary letters. Which anyone who knows me well KNOWS I hate.

So this week has been pretty.... IDK.

I've been laptop-less for nearly two weeks now, and I can practically FEEL my URL social life deteriorating. I MISS YOU ALL. GO ON AIM. It's easier for me to meebo.
But OH. I think I may have found a mic ;) Maybe I can call here or there?

Anyhow, my IRL life has been pretty undescribable.
As for the douchebag, he's been desperately trying to destroy my self confidence by repeating the same brainless insults over and over. These insults, in the form of :
- Quoting my videos.
- Calling me a guy (When in response I say that he is allowed to do seeing as his boobs were once larger than my own)...
- And basically attempting to make me feel isolated.

I find this hysterical, as it is not working and he is making an asshat out of himself.

As for the rest of my life, I'm planning on going to Wonderland on Sunday with a bunch of my friends. They WILL try to force me on Behemoth and I WILL beat their asses to a pulp xD

Also, I've been getting addicted to NCIS. The T.V. show. My favourite character is Ziva David, a badass Israeli from the Mossad, who was transferred to Washington. I think I may discuss her in a video.
But anyway. She is my IDOL, hehe.
I think it's mostly the fact that I love Israel, and all Israelis are, quoting my father, "nuts, but ya gotta love 'em". But what I find funnier is how she can speak semi-decent Hebrew, but all her on-screen coworkers, fail in attempt. I've spent many a time rewinding and replaying in attempt to decode the mispronounced and misenunciated Hebrew. I have yet to decode 3 sentences xD

Anyhow, I'm gonna go walk my dog with my brother.

Quoting Devin: G'BYE

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