Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Something that gets on my nerves. For realzies.

Okay. I wanted to vlog about this first, but I guess I can adapt this into a vlog later.

Basically, I have weird pet peeves. I hate not being able to find things, messy couch cushions, crooked pictures, teeny insignifigant mistakes... but I think I do have one legit pet peeve.

To start, let me tell you that 90% of my friends are older than me. I don't know why really. I always find I connect with people older more for some reason. Most likely because the majority of people my age or younger where I live are dumbasses, but whatever.

So because of this, all of my closest friends are older than me. It's not really that weird. I don't really feel much of an age gap normally.
Usually though, I'm the person they come to for a shoulder to cry on, ask advice and invite out etc etc.

I don't know why, but I seem to be the resident little sister/psychologist. This is fine with me.

But what seems to annoy me is when they get pissy, or try and find something to jab at, they pick at my age. I HATE THIS.
Do not point out the age difference after I have been sitting with you for three hours on the phone listening to you whine about how you want to break up with your boyfriend.
Or after me retaliating to a witty remark with some age related joke non-related to either of our ages.
Or after I help you get the recognition you deserve for your work.
Or talk you out of a bad situation.
Or teach you what you need to know in a class not even at my schooling level. (I'm talking uni here, people. No joke.)

Or any other situation for that matter.

I do not care about our gap.

I honestly think that age shouldn't matter if two people are on the same level of understanding. (By this I mean friendship-wise)
Why does a number have to define you? And why label me with it because of who you were when you were my age?

Seriously, if you do that, shut the eff up.

End of incoherent rant. Woo!

1 comment:

ariel said...

i've never really been one to pay attention to age
i have friends from 14-28!
i win!