Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ain't it gorrrrrgeous??

Oh wow. There's a shitty title if I ever saw one. Eech.

So I did the Skype contact thing yesterday. And I realized I'm really bad at that stuff. Is it possible to ooze sarcasm in textual form? Because that's what I feel like I do every time I blog... yay wit!

Anyhow, the main purpose of this blog is to say that my blog now looks pretty. Yay!

I spent at LEAST an hour yesterday working on the banner to try and get the lines lined up (try saying that five times fast?) only to realize that you can post pictures with invisible backrounds. Which makes my life a WHOLE lot easier (but at that time got me very frustrated and annoyed at myself *facepalm*).

So you see that female bumble bee at the top left? Yes. THAT TOOK ME FOREVER.

And probably doesn't help my streotype very much when people see the nickname "Mickiebee". They think I'm obsessed with bees... wtf?

It was a nickname, people.
From acting class.
People who act are incessantly weird.
Like me.
That nickname was given by a girl who I gave the nickname "Laurabear". And she adapted my nickname from my friend who I called "Jadamonkey", who called me "Mickieboo".

Lesson learned? Acting people (especially musical theatre people) are very weird and are obsessed with naming people after insects and animals.
Don't ask me why, it seemed "cute" at the time...

Maybe I'll go more "in-depth" in another blog post.
I just need to write an essay now.



Gina said...

Acting people ARE weird... although I like them. When they aren't annoying me :/
It's beautiful, Mickie. Absolutely stunning :)

KristINtheMoment said...

I never realized that your name could have been associated with bumble bees before...Whoops

how did you make that bee? It is very nice, and pretty page indeed!!!

I just used one of the formats they gave me

how do you post pics?