Friday, April 24, 2009

Well hey there.


So I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeally bored. Bored enough to extend a word with unneccesary letters. Which anyone who knows me well KNOWS I hate.

So this week has been pretty.... IDK.

I've been laptop-less for nearly two weeks now, and I can practically FEEL my URL social life deteriorating. I MISS YOU ALL. GO ON AIM. It's easier for me to meebo.
But OH. I think I may have found a mic ;) Maybe I can call here or there?

Anyhow, my IRL life has been pretty undescribable.
As for the douchebag, he's been desperately trying to destroy my self confidence by repeating the same brainless insults over and over. These insults, in the form of :
- Quoting my videos.
- Calling me a guy (When in response I say that he is allowed to do seeing as his boobs were once larger than my own)...
- And basically attempting to make me feel isolated.

I find this hysterical, as it is not working and he is making an asshat out of himself.

As for the rest of my life, I'm planning on going to Wonderland on Sunday with a bunch of my friends. They WILL try to force me on Behemoth and I WILL beat their asses to a pulp xD

Also, I've been getting addicted to NCIS. The T.V. show. My favourite character is Ziva David, a badass Israeli from the Mossad, who was transferred to Washington. I think I may discuss her in a video.
But anyway. She is my IDOL, hehe.
I think it's mostly the fact that I love Israel, and all Israelis are, quoting my father, "nuts, but ya gotta love 'em". But what I find funnier is how she can speak semi-decent Hebrew, but all her on-screen coworkers, fail in attempt. I've spent many a time rewinding and replaying in attempt to decode the mispronounced and misenunciated Hebrew. I have yet to decode 3 sentences xD

Anyhow, I'm gonna go walk my dog with my brother.

Quoting Devin: G'BYE

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I hate decisions. So help me!!! ^_^

Ok, so I got a $25 gift certificate to threadless. And I don't know which shirts I want to buy. So I narrowed it down. If you can give me the top 5 or whatever of you think would be the best, it would be MUCH appreciated. (I hate making decisions).
So yeah, these are they:

City Built on Rock and Roll
I Bought This Shirt
Religion is my BFF
Chairs listen to music apparently
Spoiler alert
Bear hugs are often fatal
Play records
Life is lika a...
Career plans at 5
Stop destroying our planet
Follow your <3

Please help me!!!! ^_^

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I should be working

Username: mickiebee14

Why did you pick it?: Uhhh... well I made it when I was 14, so that's the 14 part. The mickiebee part I explained in a previous blog. All in all, I hate my username with a burning passion.

Who did you first subscribe to?: katz20two, when she did her Starbucks video. Or possibly William Sledd before he became a douche?

Who did you most recently subscribe to?: No clue.

What does your last text message say?: Um, not gonna post it. It's kind of intense... from my friend's boyfriend. The one I described in my last blog.

Do you have any goals?: To leave Toronto burbs. Seriously. It's like a huge small town. Everyone knows about everyone, but by everyone, I mean over 3000 people T_T

What was the last thing you bought?: Slice of pizza and iced tea for when I was in the hospital waiting to see my friend in the ER.

Describe the person who posted this using one line?: ... How is that possible to do?

Are you excited about anything?: Not exactly.

Do you have a crush? Needless to say, it's complicated. Refer to previous blog T_T

Have you ever been drunk?: Really tipsy?

Who was the first Youtube you met in real life?: Tihara

Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: leUNFAMOUS and prihE

Do you prefer day or night?: night

Are you a member of any collab channels?: GINA GET YO ASS ON SKYPE <3

Do you have a secret account?: More alternate than secret...

Do you believe in God?: No.

Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: Isabel, Leah, Alex, Matty, Kiara, Ariel and Cait.

Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: No preference.

Are you in a relationship?: Once more: COMPLICATED

Would you date a smoker?: No.

Where is your favorite place?: Toronto theatre district. Around the Eaton Centre and the Elgin.

Are you a happy person?: Depends.

Would you kiss the person who posted this?: I'd never kiss somebody who hates Canada XP

What would you take to the desert island?: A boat?

Do you prefer sun or snow?: Sun

Who did you last speak to on the phone? Isabel or my friend Amanda. Not sure :-/

Who did you last text?: Shannon

What are you doing tomorrow?: School and visiting Amanda

What is your favorite flavour of potato chips?: Sour cream and onion

What size are your feet?: 7 and 1/2

What do you want?: Camcorder and a trip out of this paper town.

What do you need?: MORE TIME.

What do you remember?: ...

What do you wish?: Infinite wishes.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Scariest experience of my life.

Honestly, I'm not going to disclose what actually happened. If you know me well enough and have my Skype, I will most likely tell you. But today was one of the most traumatic moments of my life.

I'm just happy she's getting better. Seeing her in any pain like that just makes me want to cringe.
I stayed with her for 7 hours today and helped clean her up a bit, seeing as she looking a mess.

I feel really bad for her boyfriend though. He goes to another school so he didn't hear as soon as he could and he's really broken about it. We never really talked before but I sat with him for 5 hours today and just talked to him on the phone. I honestly believe he is legitimately in love with her.

I was so scared for her.

Sorry for the vagueness, just this isn't my place to tell really. I just felt the need to post something.

I won't be online much for the next week or so. Sorry guys, IRL friends take precedence atm.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Long time no blog? Being Erica.

Hey blog dogs!
lol, I saw some kid blog that on a T.V. show and I thought I'd try it out...
Oh Canadian television, why must you be so cheesy??

Seriously. Degrassi? Life with Derek? Naturally Sadie? 6Teen?????
I mean come on.

But there is one T.V. show that I'm watching that IS a Canadian show, that I am loving. SO much.

It's this show called Being Erica. This show is like... the story of my LIFE being told on T.V.
I originally discovered it because iTunes had a free download for the pilot. I watched it, and I immediately was hooked. Like, more than Corner Gas, which is FANTASTIC.

Brent Butt ftw. I live for the Dog River Table Hockey Summit Series.

But I was watching and this girl, Erica, may as well be named Mickie. She's I think, 20-something, possibly early 30's. She grew up in suburban Toronto. Jewish father grew up in Montreal. Makes horrible decisions. Starts VLOGGING. Brown hair, tall-ish, has some really close guy friends. And oh yeah, lives off of sarcasm.

The show is about her basically going back through her life and fixing all her mistakes thanks to a shrink that she's stuck with.

The show made me really happy to watch either way. Like not even the plotline. But when you can RECOGNIZE where the character is in the city and know where things are not even in the frame, I got excited. I don't even know the street names. Just the places.

There's this part in the beginning of the pilot before she gets rejected for a date where she's in this square in the middle of Toronto which I know REALLY well. I don't remember what it's called, but I'm always there when I go downtown since it's around part of the theatre district. It's this place they call little NYC because it has this flatscreen tower and everything. When it's dark and lit up, it looks a bit like Times Square. But I'm watching this and I see the Hardrock and I'm like "TKTS IS RIGHT BEHIND HER!!" "THE CANON THEATRE IS DOWN THE STREET!!!". I was seriously, just about laughing out loud.

Either way, I strongly suggest you check out this show.

Here's the link to the vlog of the main character:

and just look it up on iTunes "Being Erica" and get the pilot free.
It's pretty much amazing.

Anyhow, sorry for basically advertising this show! :/

I'll blog soon.

Bye <3

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Should I cut my hair short?

OK. So today I sort of tucked my hair back to see what it would look like short since I'm getting a haircut soon. Soo tell me what you think! Should I cut it that short?


What I believe the after will look like:

Sorry the pictures are so dark... but you get the general picture? (no pun intended)

Something that gets on my nerves. For realzies.

Okay. I wanted to vlog about this first, but I guess I can adapt this into a vlog later.

Basically, I have weird pet peeves. I hate not being able to find things, messy couch cushions, crooked pictures, teeny insignifigant mistakes... but I think I do have one legit pet peeve.

To start, let me tell you that 90% of my friends are older than me. I don't know why really. I always find I connect with people older more for some reason. Most likely because the majority of people my age or younger where I live are dumbasses, but whatever.

So because of this, all of my closest friends are older than me. It's not really that weird. I don't really feel much of an age gap normally.
Usually though, I'm the person they come to for a shoulder to cry on, ask advice and invite out etc etc.

I don't know why, but I seem to be the resident little sister/psychologist. This is fine with me.

But what seems to annoy me is when they get pissy, or try and find something to jab at, they pick at my age. I HATE THIS.
Do not point out the age difference after I have been sitting with you for three hours on the phone listening to you whine about how you want to break up with your boyfriend.
Or after me retaliating to a witty remark with some age related joke non-related to either of our ages.
Or after I help you get the recognition you deserve for your work.
Or talk you out of a bad situation.
Or teach you what you need to know in a class not even at my schooling level. (I'm talking uni here, people. No joke.)

Or any other situation for that matter.

I do not care about our gap.

I honestly think that age shouldn't matter if two people are on the same level of understanding. (By this I mean friendship-wise)
Why does a number have to define you? And why label me with it because of who you were when you were my age?

Seriously, if you do that, shut the eff up.

End of incoherent rant. Woo!